An Easy Swap to Help Reduce Triglycerides

Posted on :  December 3, 2021

Heart disease is still the number one killer in Australians. Eliminating all fat is not the answer. Reduce your triglyceride levels instead.

Athletes May Need More Omega 3 Than We Thought

Posted on :  November 22, 2021

The International Olympic Conference have made recommendations based on the current research that athletes may need up to four times the amount of omega-3 fat than the recommendations made for the general population. Athletes may need around 2000mg or eight to ten serves of seafood each week.

Three Heart Health Tips

Posted on :  October 6, 2021

A healthy body could be said to start with a healthy heart. A healthy heart can start with your choices in the kitchen. Sodium is a mineral that plays many important roles such as maintaining the fluid volume outside your cells.

Tricks to long-lasting energy

Posted on :  September 27, 2021

If you are like most of us, starting and finishing the day with the same amount of energy can be a challenge. Here are some tricks to long-lasting energy.

4 Key Foods to Promote Optimal Health After Menopause

Posted on :  September 21, 2021

There is no denying that when your body goes through menopause there will be some changes. The drop of the sex hormones oestrogen and testosterone creates many changes in your body.

Omega-3 fat to reduce symptoms of indigestion

Posted on :  August 31, 2021

Do you suffer from indigestion or heartburn? More than one in every ten Australians experience this uncomfortable condition and it is one of the most common digestive disorders. The cause and treatment can vary from person to person.

Crushing the Afternoon Munchies on A Paleo Diet

Posted on :  May 24, 2021

You have hit the 3:30 pm mark during your busy day and want to know how to satisfy the munchies while looking after your health while following a paleo diet. A paleo diet is one with lean protein like seafood, eggs, seeds, nuts, vegetables, fruits, extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil and honey in moderation.

Seafood may reduce your risk of inflammatory bowel disease

Posted on :  February 22, 2021

The powerful anti-inflammatory effects in seafood are well known. This is primarily due to seafood being a great source of omega-3 fat. This anti-inflammatory property in seafood may promote health and keep your body in balance from a health perspective.